[USA Flag]

[Mason Dixon Wrestling Association Logo]
Founded July 4, 2001

[Confederate Battle Flag]

Welcome To The Mason Dixon Wrestling Association

Serving Southern Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, and NorthernVirginia


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This is a listing of the match types that are sanctioned by the Mason Dixon Wrestling Association. If you don't see a match listed here, it isn't sanctioned yet. If you have any ideas for gimmicks, let us know.

"Regular Matches"

Singles Match
The standard match where two guys go in and wrestle. A clean, technical match is expected here and the referee will enforce the rules as strictly as he sees fit. Wins can be by pin, submission, count out or disqualification.

Triple Threat Match
Instead of putting two people in the ring, this match has three people going at it in an "every man for himself" style. A win occurs when one wrestler is pinned or submits. No count outs exist in this match.

Fatal Four Way
Time time, instead of three wrestlers, four wrestlers are thrown into the ring and go at it head to head, everyone for themselves. Again, there are no count outs.

Tag Team Match
Two teams go at it, where only one wrestler from each team is allowed in the ring at a time. A wrestler can "tag" in his partner for a breather, and allow a fresh body go after the other team's wrestler. A win can occur when one team's "legal" man pins the other team's "legal" man, makes him submit, or one legal man gets counted out.

Tag Team Triple Threat
This is a triple threat match with tag team rules. As in a singles triple threat, there are no count outs.

Tag Team Fatal Four Way
Four teams go at it. There are no count outs.

"Gimmick Matches"
these matches aren't an every day thing, but are reserved for championships and major feuds.

Back Alley
An alley way is blocked off, and a feud or championship is settled, by any means necessary. The ref is only there to count a pin or call a submission.

Back Stage Brawl
This "match" takes place behind the curtain, where all the stage crew is hiding out. 

Bar Room Brawl

Barbed Wire Cage

Barbed Wire Baseball Bat Match

Barbed Wire Ropes

Bat Match

Battle Royal

Boiler Room Brawl

Bridge To Hell

Buried Alive



Count Out Only

Dog Collar Match

Double Table Match

First Blood Match

Flaming Hell In The Cell Match


Hell In The Cell

Ladder Match

Ladder Cage Match

Loser Leaves Town

Mud Pit Match

No Disqualification Match

Only Pins Match

Royal Rumble

Scaffold Match

Singapore Cane Match

Street Fight

Submission Match

Table Match

Thumb Tacks Match

Top Of Cage

Weapons Match

Yankee Pride

Rebel Yell

Locker Room
Run Ins
Mic. Time

In Memory

So You Run An Interfed?

Wrestling Fanz Banner Exchange

we are not affiliated with MDW: Mason Dixon Wrestling

© 2001 The Mason Dixon Wrestling Association